Manual configuration
The majority of schemes will use the auto building feature in cherryEPG for mapping input services to output EIT. This can be configured with some options mentioned in Meshed configuration.
For more complex configurations, we can disable this auto building of rules and write the rules manually.
We need to follow these steps:
Set the NOAUTORULE option to 1 in the CONF sheet. This is required for the RULE sheet to be read/activated.
Disable auto building of rules
Add a new sheet named RULE.
New sheet
Now we have to fill out the RULE sheet using these instructions:
The Service sheet with a list of services will be used as a reference. Each service needs to have a unique SID, which will be used for reference later.
In the EIT sheet, we have the outputs, and here we use the TSID as a reference.
We add new rules to the RULE sheet where we map services to outputs like this:
- Column A is a reference to the service.
- Column B is a reference to the output EIT stream.
- In Column C, we define if the service is actual (1) in the final TS or other (0) - just referenced.
- In Columns D, E, and F, we set the TSID, SID, and ONID for this service in the output stream. All additional columns are ignored.
Please check out the sample scheme file:
Manually writing rules requires more work by the administrator, but it gives you full control over building the output EIT.