Command shell

The command shell is the Linux recommended user interface. By typing commands and appropriate arguments we can achieve specific tasks related to the system or any other application. cherryEPG also offers this way of performing jobs.

Login as cherryepg user before running any cherryEPG related maintenance tasks!

(When changing user from an other user use the su - cherryepg command!)

The shell tool for performing jobs is cherryTool. In combination with various parameters and switches you can define the behavior of the tool. You can always run cherryTool -h to get an overview of all possible switches.

cherryTool - v2.5.11 Copyright 2024 Bojan Ramšak
     cherryTool [options] -[gdiprwx zero or multiple channel_id]

     -v         use verbose output mode
     -y         yes to all confirm questions

     -h         show this help
     -V         show version and configuration info
     -R         systemcheck and report
     -N         systemcheck and notify to log
     -Q         show detailed database statistics
     -M chunk   inspect chunk and generate mosaic.png
     -Z message send ERROR with message to logging engine for testing
     -j package apply maintenance package to system
     -J script  convert script to maintenance package

     -L scheme  initialize EPG database and load scheme
     -l scheme  load scheme to existing database (do not remove existing services and events)
                every imported scheme is copied to archive
     -n         show last(newest) scheme in archive
     -F         list scheme in archive
     -H host    set host as target when converting xls to scheme (used to select sheet)
     -c xls     convert xls scheme file to yaml scheme

     -C         list content of carousel
     -u file    add/upload .gz file to carousel  #TBD
     -U file '{meta}'   add/upload .ts file to carousel set dst, title and period/bitrate
                from meta in json format e.g. 
                '{"dst": "", "interval": 2000, "title": "demo"}'
     -p chunk   play TS chunk
     -s chunk   stop TS chunk
     -S         stop - ALL
     -Y         delete ALL from carousel directory - stop carousel

     -G target  grab&ingest by target: all, daily, hourly, weekly
     -B         build all output EIT chunks

     -f         reset section and version table (force next build)
     -A         delete ALL from stock directory
     -P         reset rule table
     -O         cleanup database - delete old events and log entries
     -T         reset all tables in database to empty state (drop+init)

     Do operations on service using {channel_id} as id. When no id-s given, go for all!
     -g id      grab service schedule data
     -d id      delete ingest files for service
     -i id      parse/ingest files for service
     -I id      parse/ingest files for service and dump event data (debugging of parser)
     -r id      reset ingest state (delete *.md5.parsed)
     -w id      wipe/remove service definition and data
     -x id      export events for service in XMLTV format to file {service_id.xml}

     -W         run the web server
     -K text    change system description and restart web service

    "cherryTool" is a command-line interface for cherryEpg.

    cherryEpg will look for a configuration file before reading its command
    line parameters. The default location is "$USER_HOME/config.yml".